Stealth Flashlight

…and Nightlight, too

With a combination of one and two finger swipes you can quickly choose any color the device is capable of displaying. With a three-finger swipe set the screen brightness. Also useful for navigating dark rooms when you don’t want a bright light. (Use a red color tone to minimize brightness while still being able to see).

Download the App

Some features:

  • Single finger swipe controls Hue (horizontal) and Saturation (vertical).

  • Double finger swipe controls Hue (horizontal) and Brightness (vertical).

  • Triple finger swipe up and down to control the display brightness.

  • Screen brightness is custom to the app, when you quit it resets the original brightness and when you restart the app it remembers the brightness you set before

  • Tap the lock icon lock the screen so finger swipes don't change the color.

  • Tap the clock icon to activate the shutoff timer.